Mission and Values

Mission and Values





Based on an exemplary approach, always improving, we seek to become the Canadian leader in engineering in the industrial and energy sectors. We will develop safe and innovative engineering processes that will satisfy our clients’ needs. Finally, we will insure the long-term growth of Johnston-Vermette.





To offer affordable, flexible and personalized engineering services in Quebec and abroad. Our state-of-the-art knowledge allows us to deliver major projects with a recognized level of excellence. As Quebec leader in industrial engineering, Johnston-Vermette knows how to push its limits thanks to the high caliber of its personnel.






Respect for individuals, health and security, the environment, and applicable norms, laws and regulations.



Rigor, applied to all the stages of a project, is supported by the enterprise’s management. We seek excellence at each step of our work, from development to the finalization.



Each member of the group, shareholder, leader or employee, is responsible for his or her work and encouraged to give a performance which will satisfy the client’s requirements.



Each member of the group, shareholder, manager or employee, will work in accordance with the professional ethical standards of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) and the Association of Consulting Engineering Firms - Quebec (AFG).






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6110, rue Christophe-Pélissier
Trois-Rivières, Qc G9A 5C9

Phone: 819-373-3550
Fax: 819-373-6794